I’m shooting today from the island of Maui in Hawaii to support my wife on her President’s Club trip. During this week, I’m surrounded by very successful people that are sharing their stories of how they earned this trip. High performers have great stories and huge obstacles to overcome in order to achieve at this level so it was fun to be able to participate in such a great event in such a beautiful place.
If you’ve ever been to Maui, you have probably driven the road to Hana. It is an iconic and historic drive with landmarks, cool hikes and sites to see. We did that drive yesterday, and this is a crazy windy, super narrow road with cliffs going off the sides. Exciting would be a good word for the driving experience.
As we were driving, I was reminded of a story my friend had told me. He says, “The road to success is not a straight line.” As I was driving on the road to Hana, I was reminded of this conversation and then of the conversations I was having with the other trip winners. We have all heard that it is lonely at the top, etc. and anyone that has achieved at a high level knows that it is never as easy as it looks. Kind of like driving the road to Hana.
As I listened to the stories of the success of folks in corporate America and heard the challenges and adversity, they have to overcome. I thought, these folks are perfect candidates for franchise ownership while keeping their career intact. If you’ve ever been on a President’s Club trip and you’re thinking about expanding your investments beyond the stock market and a rental property and/or making a career change, franchising might make sense. Many people don’t know that some franchise systems are built for owners that keep their career intact and build the franchise alongside the day job. While this is not an easy thing to accomplish, I know many that have done this successfully. If you want somebody that has been on the road to Hana in life and business and has had some success, I’d love to be your guide.
David Weaver is the Founder of Franchise Your Freedom and a senior consultant with FranChoice, the premier national network of franchise consultants. David helps people all over the country find the right franchise fit by sharing his personal experience and philosophy on how to select the right brand. He shares proven strategies and over a decade of experience growing franchise companies for himself with those that are doing it for the first time. You can learn more about David at FranchiseYourFreedom.